Freestanding micro bubble baths provide a quiet spa experience to relax the body and mind while rejuvenating your skin.
Enjoy a soak in one of the Revive Hydrotherapy baths and love it even more when you realize how much the extra oxygen benefits you. This revolutionary system increases oxygen levels in the water up to 60%. More oxygen helps with more energy, less stress, increased metabolism, increased circulation and a better ability to help your body maximize nutrient absorption. The bath will stay hot as you soak. The ultimate anti-aging Hydrotherapy!
Hydro Massage Revive
Oxygen hydrotherapy is a therapeutic at-home bath that delivers bursts of oxygen micro bubbles, gradually infusing the bath water with these powerful molecules. As the oxygen molecules fill the tub, they saturate your skin with intense moisturizing and hydration benefits. Oxygen-soak tubs deliver a much higher concentration of oxygen compared to regular bathtubs or even conventional whirlpool or jetted tubs. In an oxygen hydrotherapy bathtub, the pressurized system controls the release of oxygen, keeping it consistent throughout your soak. The ongoing delivery of oxygen bubbles helps to maintain a consistent bathing temperature, thanks to the thermal energy released from the micro bubbles.
The term hydrotherapy is used to describe using bathing as a treatment for different conditions. Whether that’s chronic pain due to arthritis or fibromyalgia, or skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Hydrotherapy is a safe and effective way to alleviate pain, boost circulation, and promote deeper relaxation. Soaking in warm, oxygen-rich bath water is a luxurious at-home spa experience. Oxygen-infused bathing truly is the next step in skin care, rejuvenation, and at- home spa wellness.
Micro Bubble Therapy in a Freestanding Bath
Hydro Massage offers 13 freestanding micro bubble baths. They range in size from a small 42″ round tub to a large 72″ x 48″ freestanding bath for two.
See all Hydro Massage Freestanding Tubs
Look for Micro Bubble in the system list.